Monday, April 5, 2010

All I wanna do is write..............

It's what I want to do, but I'm a wife, I'm a mom. I don't suffer from writer's block. I suffer from writing blockers. Can't sit down with the lap top until everything else is done. It is always put off till the end of the day. Then way too tired or the half a Benadril I've taken to help me sleep is kicking in. My creativity pouts in the corner, disgusted by my neglect. It's funny because I feel more guilt if I neglect the laundry or the bathroooms then if I neglect to take the time to sit and write. I know why. Clean house, laundry done, it's something visual, my family gets it. Mom is tired, look around, she worked all day. They don't get the whole writing thing, but maybe that's partly my fault. When I have to sit down and put together a story for the newspaper, I'm busy. Not doing the dishes busy or throwing dinner together busy, so I guess they don't see it. Again, my fault maybe? Oh, it makes me crazy when my husband comes in and asks me some inane question about whether I remembered to mail the letters he gave me that morning. That's after he left a note next to the letters and called me from work to remind me. "Working," I answer without looking up, hoping he gets the message to go away. Fat chance. He recognizes the irritation in my voice and will challenge it.

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