Saturday, January 10, 2015

"Duality," .99 today!  "His nostrils flared and glistened obscenely in the fire play.  His shoulders and chest swelled.  His arms and fingers lengthened and curved, tapering to a lethal point.  He looked inhuman.  He was inhuman."
#paranormal #romance #mystery


Thursday, January 8, 2015

"Duality" by Barbara Edwards-available for only .99, 1/10-1/11.

#paranormal #romance  #supernatural

High School senior Alex Trent enjoyed an untroubled existence in the coastal community of Willow Glen, unaware of her family's connection to the most tragic event in the town's history. Unfortunately, the anniversary of the Willow Glen maritime disaster has apparently awakened a deadly force that terrorizes the town and it's superstitious inhabitants. Will Alex uncover the mystery behind the disappearances and the town's newest resident, Aiden Kelly, before she becomes the next victim?

Friday, January 2, 2015

Thursday, January 1, 2015

What scares you?

   What does it take to scare you?  I'm not talking about predictable gruesome and grisly horrors perpetrated by a mute, masked intruder.  I don't find the sight of someone's innards being yanked from their midsection scary-repulsed would be a more accurate reaction.  What I mean is...what is it that truly scares, startles, raises the chicken skin, etc?  Mystery-be it supernatural, paranormal or otherwise, suspense, clever unexpected twists, those are the things that I find gripping and deliciously disturbing. #paranormal #supernatural #romance #mystery 
  High School senior Alex Trent enjoyed an untroubled existence in the coastal community of Willow Glen, unaware of her family's connection to the most tragic event in the town's history. Unfortunately, the anniversary of the Willow Glen maritime disaster has apparently awakened a deadly force that terrorizes the town and it's superstitious inhabitants. Will Alex uncover the mystery behind the disappearances and the town's newest resident, Aiden Kelly, before she becomes the next victim?